Mark Posey

The Birthaversary

My wife and I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is only 8 days away from one of the most significant days of the year for us: February 22nd. February 22nd is my birthday. February 22nd is my wife’s birthday. February 22nd is the day we met. February 22nd is our wedding anniversary. We’ve both […]

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The Great Bowling Debate

As you can probably imagine given the sorts of posts I’ve written so far, I’m a pretty introspective guy. One of the tracks that my reflections take on a fairly regular basis is what-if-I’d-turned-right-instead-of-turning-left? It’s not because I’m bemoaning the fact that this or that didn’t work out like I wanted it to or because

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Froggie Apocalypse

From the age of seven onward, I grew up on an acreage about half an hour east of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It was such a great place to be a kid. The subdivision we lived in had everything you’d ever want — good hills for tobogganing in the winter and dirt biking in summer. There

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This may surprise you, but writing was not my first choice as a career. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a pro wrestler. A great many of my early childhood memories are tied up with it. Sitting in front of the TV on Saturday afternoon, my heart in my throat,

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Here Comes 2021

We’re still here. If someone had told you just what 2020 was going to entail 365 days ago, would you have opted out for the year? All of us have had a fair bit to deal with in 2020 – lockdowns and layoffs, facemasks and social distancing, loneliness and depression. At times, it’s seemed like

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Best Girl

Happy Monday! Normally on Mondays, although I’ve missed a few weeks now, I put out an update on whatever I’m currently writing, when it might be out and that sort of thing. This week, something a little different. I wasn’t a cat person growing up. We had dogs out on the acreage. Big dogs. Any

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Christmas Traditions

And, we’re on the countdown to Santa’s arrival. Only 29 more sleeps! I don’t know that we have a lot of Christmas traditions in our house. Certainly, no very formal ones. Whoever’s around helps put up the tree, then the cats help pull it down. The wrapped presents go under the tree, then the cats

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Thirty more sleeps!

Only thirty more sleeps until Santa comes!!! I still have trouble sleeping Christmas Eve although, over the years, the reason has changed…somewhat. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still looking forward to the morning when I get to play with all my new toys. But, one of the things I also look forward to is other

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Opportunities Abound

Sometimes, life gives you an opportunity.  Most people don’t see them because they come in the form of problems.  I confess that I didn’t used to see them for that very reason.  I couldn’t look past the immediate problem.  Luckily, over the last few years, I’ve cultivated that skill and now find that the habit

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32 Sleeps and 39 Days

It is the morning of Monday, November 23, 2020 as I write this. Only 32 more sleeps until Santa comes and just 39 days until 2020 is finished. Christmastime always makes me reflective. I like to have a mental wander through my year and, sometimes, the years that came before. It reminds me to be

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