Thirty more sleeps!

Only thirty more sleeps until Santa comes!!!

I still have trouble sleeping Christmas Eve although, over the years, the reason has changed…somewhat. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still looking forward to the morning when I get to play with all my new toys. But, one of the things I also look forward to is other people’s reactions to their gifts. When their face lights up (hopefully) as they discover what it is–I love that moment.

Yesterday, our provincial government announced they are banning indoor social events of any size. In other words, you cannot have anyone over to your house. Now, they say they are going to reassess in three weeks (December 15th) but realistically, even if this measure results in a huge reduction in new cases of COVID, they aren’t going to say, “Alright — open season! Have as many people over as you want.”

So, we’re prepping for a remote Christmas.

I’m sure there will be lots of people pissing and moaning about the restrictions (There are, of course, others besides no indoor gatherings.) but, I’m more of a roll-with-the-punches kind of guy. We’ll make the best of it. We can do a group video call with the kids from their places of abode–Calgary, North Edmonton, and St. Andrews, NB–and maybe our parents in Sherwood Park and Perth, WA for opening gifts in the morning.

But, I was thinking about it last night and figured, why stop there? I have two brothers. We could do a video call in the afternoon on Christmas Day and have a drink while chatting. Same goes for our relatives in England and in Australia, although some time coordination will be necessary for those. We also have a myriad of friends, virtually worldwide, a lot of whom we only interact with online anyway. We could arrange video calls with some of them Christmas Eve, Boxing Day and have a drink together.

That’s what I’ll be spending at least some time on today–rounding up a list of potential virtual video drinking buddies. If you’d like to be included on that list, drop me a quick email at and we’ll set something up.

Gotta make the best of it and stay safe!

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