The Authors Thirteen

I have always liked to read.  Always.  And I can read almost anything.  Non-fiction, autobiography, romance, action-adventure, science fiction.  So, this list will have a little bit of everything.  I also personally know several of these authors (although that’s not why I include them) and the ones I don’t know would definitely be on my coffee time list.

As usual, in no particular order, my thirteen favorite authors:

Uhura's_Song1.  Janet Kagan — an amazing science fiction author.  Such rich cultural detail in all her worlds.  I still read “Uhura’s Song” about once a year.  Sadly, Janet died about 5 years ago.  Any time you can find one of her books, I’d highly recommend them.


richard bach2.  Richard Bach — perhaps best known for “Jonathon Livingston Seagull”, his book “The Bridge Across Forever” captivated me.  Incredible love story.


stephen king3.  Stephen King — I don’t really like horror stories — slasher-type, blood and gore don’t do anything for me.  But, Stephen King is such a gifted storyteller, I can’t not read his stuff.  Parts of “Pet Cemetery” had me in tears.


robert fulgham4.  Robert Fulghum — his slice of life essays with his unique view of life’s events are very centering.  At times touching.  At times laugh-out-loud funny.  Always inspiring.


david-morrell5.  David Morrell — a superb storyteller.  Intricate plots, heart-pounding action.  Grabs you by the throat and won’t let go until the last page.


Michael Crichton6.  Michael Crichton — his death was a great loss to the writing community.  The realistic detail and factual extrapolation woven into his stories is amazing.


mick-foley7.  Mick Foley — not only a really nice guy but a tremendous storyteller.


rob sawyer8.  Robert J. Sawyer — I have met and spoken with Rob a handful of times.  My wife sat on a panel with him at Conversion in Calgary a few years ago.  Really nice guy.  And a hell of a writer.  His “Wake”, “Watch”, “Wonder” trilogy was superb as were “Hominids”, “Humans”, “Hybrids”.


nichelle_nichols9.  Nichelle Nichols — I’ve read all of the autobiographies of Star Trek’s original cast members.  Nichelle’s was easily my favorite.  Amazing woman.


heather10.  Heather Graham — the original, that is.  And she is an original, make no mistake about it.  Marvelous writer.  Tracy and I get along tremendously well with Heather and her husband, Dennis.  They are two of my favorite people and I don’t get to see them anywhere near as often as I’d like.


beth11.  Beth Ciotta — another tremendous writer with a heart of gold that I don’t get to see often enough.  “All About Evie” was the first book of hers I read and I haven’t stopped since.


samantha kane12.  Samantha Kane — we like to dance to Jackson Browne’s “Rosie” at romance writer’s conferences.  Sam’s a ton of fun and writes scorching hot love scenes.


tracy13.  Tracy Cooper-Posey — of course, my dear wife.  I include this not because I “have to” but because she’s one hell of a writer.  Her storytelling ability continually amazes me.  Maybe one day, I’ll tell you all about how reading one of her books, “Diana By The Moon” got me into terrible trouble…

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